Mining question [message #-964938] |
Sun, 27 October 2002 03:25  |
While defending a GDI base today I entered the Barracks to refill and I noticed someone had placed 8 or so mines neatly arranged around the end game spot (what's it called?), but none at the entrance or MCT. I think this isn't very effective, cause any intruder can just walk past the mines and blast the MCT away and very few people plant end game beacons anyway. What do you folks think about this "tastic" (sorry... I couldn't resist... )?
Mining question [message #-964937] |
Sun, 27 October 2002 17:03   |
Had the barracks already been taken out?
That would be the only time you would want to mine the pedestal.
Mining question [message #-964935] |
Sun, 27 October 2002 06:34   |
quote: Originally posted by thousand_sun: Had the barracks already been taken out?
That would be the only time you would want to mine the pedestal.
Will the end-game beacon still work even in an already destroyed building?
Mining question [message #-964934] |
Sun, 27 October 2002 08:05   |
quote: Originally posted by Darth Do'Urden: quote: Originally posted by thousand_sun: Had the barracks already been taken out?
That would be the only time you would want to mine the pedestal.
Will the end-game beacon still work even in an already destroyed building?
End game beacons can still work if the Hand or Barracks is already destroyed.
To answer the question, the most valuable tactic is to mine the entrances. And a few near the MCT doesn't hurt.
Mining question [message #-964933] |
Mon, 28 October 2002 05:59   |
i go 4 end game beacon when the bar or hon is destroyed, becuase when they hear ion/nuke beacon placedost run and search the remaining biuldings.
Mining question [message #-964931] |
Mon, 28 October 2002 14:24   |
Was this on a map with defenses or not, because alot of people try stealth/nuke on the ped on maps with no base defenses. I personaly hate useing the ped unless my team is getting messed up quite badly. [ October 28, 2002, 21:25: Message edited by: Mpbgw ]
Mining question [message #-964930] |
Mon, 28 October 2002 20:20   |
Yes, it had defenses (still intact), the barracks were all right anf luckily they seemed to be early mines... And we could "move" them via minelimit.
Mining question [message #-964929] |
Tue, 29 October 2002 06:11   |
Mining the pedestral when the building is not destroyed is a waste of mines. Mining the entrance(s) will do. After the HON or barracks is destroyed you should check the L button on your keyboard. If the end-game beacon is enabled, then is mining the pedestral VERY important.I have won and unfortunately lost quite a number of games where the pedestral was not mined.....when needed. Grtz Duc (WOL dutchduc)
Mining question [message #-964928] |
Tue, 29 October 2002 06:29  |
Hey, I didn't know the L key did anything special, thanks for that.
Yes, I am kind of a newb still. Newb, mind you, not n00b!