worst units [message #-964597] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 07:45   |
the auto rifle is kinda good agenist stealth tanks though, and so so agenist ftanks and other vehicles. Great agenist artilaries.
I think it's either... ~thinks~ I dunno, I can't really pick.
worst units [message #-964596] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 09:16   |
quote: sydney tib auto rifle
i find that to be quite effective against troopers and tanks, i would say its...............
worst units [message #-964595] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 09:33   |
At long range, it is quite useless when it comes to hitting infantry. Allthough, on armor class 3 vehicles, it does an average of 3 damage per shot. Therefore it is not useless
worst units [message #-964594] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 10:30   |
There isn't a worst unit in Renegade. They all do exactly what their guns are supposed to do.
worst units [message #-964593] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 10:44   |
The only truly useless charachter is any unit being used by a n00b.
I will never understand how someone can buy a 1000 beacon, and Ion thier own barracks.
Proof that drugs are bad.
worst units [message #-964592] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 12:03   |
Yea there are really no bad units, every unit does different things. It is only a bad unit if you cant use it or dont know how to
quote: The only truly useless charachter is any unit being used by a n00b.
True, True
worst units [message #-964591] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 13:04   |
I absolutly hate n00bs with sedans except they're are almost impossible to use well even if you are experienced.
worst units [message #-964590] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 13:45   |
the Mammoth Tank is the worst unit, for the price of one mammy plus 100 bucks u can buy 2 Medium Tanks which are twice as fast. even if mammys have engin support and dont die right away they give off MAD points to whoever is attacking them and its not very hard to miss a mammy from across the map with a hard-hitting Art.
worst units [message #-964589] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 16:06   |
The grenedier is probably the worst unit I'll ever use. Cant figure out a use for it.
worst units [message #-964587] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 22:32   |
I would have to say the chameleon. I mean, the thing has no weaponry, and doesn't live up to it's name. It's basically a really flat apc, that only holds one person. (I think)
worst units [message #-964586] |
Thu, 21 November 2002 23:09   |
quote: Originally posted by rebooting: The grenedier is probably the worst unit I'll ever use. Cant figure out a use for it.
the grenedier is great for gaining points. eaxample: on volcano in the balcony u can hit ref or pp for around 8 points a shot and a grenedier can kill a harv by himself, how many other free guys can do that?
worst units [message #-964585] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 00:12   |
I would not use the term worst, but the least effective units are the reg and the shotgun tropper.After the c4 they do the least damage to buildings,unless you can somehow make the best of the situation i.e. killing lots of ppl or takin a tank. Your useless. At least with other units you can cause more damage to the enemy buildings.I guess this sort of says the officer is krapy too...
worst units [message #-964584] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 02:43   |
Regular and Shotgun units are amoung my favourite units. I can inflict a large amount of kills at no cost. As soon as I hit 500, I'm deadeye, and then more death commences.
worst units [message #-964582] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 04:20   |
GDI: I hate the normal Syndney and Mammoths.
(Patch is cool when i am playing as him.. but against him i hate him!!!!!! I can never kill that b@astard!)
worst units [message #-964581] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 04:22   |
Oops pressed post by mistake. Anyway.
Nod: I like all their tanks. But infantry i don't like the Chem trooper.
worst units [message #-964580] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 06:28   |
quote: Originally posted by KIRBY098: I would have to say the chameleon. I mean, the thing has no weaponry, and doesn't live up to it's name. It's basically a really flat apc, that only holds one person. (I think)
There are really good points about it though...
1. Flat making it harder to hit 2. better armor/health then Nods regular APC 3. Can turn on a dime, making it easier to crush infantry
worst units [message #-964577] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 13:28   |
i belive it holds 2 ppl since i told this one guy to get in he got by me and disapeared cause he got in i could c 2 smashed up names
worst units [message #-964576] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 20:47   |
I cant really say but il go on how much i buy the units. The least favorite infantry for both sides is probably the officer for me..it costs money and isnt all that good. Vehicle would have to be...for GDI the mammy and for Nod the APC. (sorry but it doesnt fit through the gaps on City_Flying lol)
worst units [message #-964575] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 20:56   |
I cant really say but il go on how much i buy the units. The least favorite infantry for both sides is probably the officer for me..it costs money and isnt all that good. Vehicle would have to be...for GDI the mammy and for Nod the APC. (sorry but it doesnt fit through the gaps on City_Flying lol)
worst units [message #-964574] |
Fri, 22 November 2002 23:40   |
i agree with Javaxcx, but instead of a Deadeye, i have a Black Hand Sniper. id have to say that the stealth tank and trooper are my worst units, ppl always sneak into bases wit stelths, but i think that is stupid. it requires more skill to get a nuke and sneak in with a non stelth unit.